Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Theater Career

This career brought him into contact with many of the most famous actors and directors of the late 1930's. Working with the Federal Theater Progect, henappeared in "Stevedore" in 1934, with various small roles following. his first major role in a seminal production came in Orson Welles's so called "voodoo"-Macbeth(1936) at the American Negro Theater. Lee played Banquo in this controverial production, which featured a Haitianmotif in theset, African-themed drumming and a cast of over two hunred actors. The play's treatment of Afican-American proved controversial, and Lee is reported to have rescued Wells from angry protesters on two occasions.

After two more years of work in black theaterand theater Project productions, including the lead role in The big White Fog, Lee reunited with Welles for the stage production of Richard Wright's Native Son. The 1941 production was a spectacular hit, both for Wells and for lee, whom the "The New York Times"called "The greatest Negro actor of his era and one of the finest actors in the country.' Wright also applauded the performance, noting the contrast between Lee's affable personality and his intensity as Bigger thomas.

It was'nt raining when Noah built the ark.

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