Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Duane Jackson

.Heroic Times Square T-shirt vendor Lance Orton just 'an average guy'
BY Barry Paddock

Monday, May 3rd 2010, 10:37 PM

Schwartz for NewsDuane Jackson and proud daughter Tiffany in Times Square Monday just days after Vietnam vet and handbag seller helped alert cops to car bomb. Jackson also got a call from President Obama. Take our PollTimes Square scare
Do you believe New York City is the No. 1 terrorist target in the U.S.?

Yes, because it is the No. 1 symbol of America.
No, it's no more of a target than D.C. or L.A.
It's hard to say.

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Saving the day is all in thefamily for Lance Orton, the T-shirt vendor credited with first telling cops about the bomb-packed SUV parked in the heart of Times Square.

His sister is a disaster response expert: Dr. Gina Orton 54, of Virginia, works as a psychiatrist with the Justice Department, counseling law enforcement officers traumatized by the unthinkable.

"My brother could have been killed," Gina Orton said, "and socould have thousands of people. ... It's a horrifying thought."

She's not surprised her brother acted the way he did. After all, he did such a good job looking out for her when they were kids, why shouldn't he now be looking out for all New York?

"He defended me from a lot of dangers and problems," she said. "He was a shield to me, a protector."

Growing up in Wakefield, the Bronx, he walked her home from school every day to protect her from bullies.

"He's always looking out for other people," she said.

Her brother

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2010/05/04/2010-05-04_heroic_vendors_just_an_average_guy.html#ixzz0myQYyMIc

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