Thursday, November 1, 2007

George Monroe

One of the two black men who carried the mail on the famous Pony Express was George Monroe, son of an early California gold miner.

his record as a reputable stagecoach driver led Monroe to the honor of driving Prsident Ulysses S. Grant and Rutherford B. Hayes along the dangerous S-curves of the Wanona Trail into Yosemite Valley.


lorenzo said...

George Monroe was one of the original african- american postmen who carried the mail on the famous Pony Express. He was a son of an early California gold miner.
His record as a reputable stagecoach driver led Monroe to the honor of driving President Ulysses S. Grant and Rutherford B.Hayes along the Wanona Trail into Yosemite Valley.

Unknown said...

My family is trying to track down as much info as we can for our great grandfather. If you have any additional information to share it would be greatly appreciated.